Looking for a qualified and professional Intuitive Reiki Master Practitioner?

We have experienced Practitioners ALL over Australia and are offering live 1:1 sessions, online via zoom or in person. Scroll down and enter your location to find your closest Intuitive Reiki™ Master Practitioner (that way you are staying local and will get to meet other local reiki practitioners and masters who will support you on your personal and spiritual journey).

Select a category from the drop-down menu, type in your Suburb and State, and then click on the search key to find your closest Intuitive Reiki™ Master Practitioner.

*We provide this Referral Network as a service for those interested in working with highly trained Intuitive Reiki Master and Practitioners. Note that none of these professionals are employees of Intuitive Reiki International, Lisa Brandis, or its affiliates, nor do Lisa Brandis, Intuitive Reiki International, or its affiliates recommend or endorse their services. Should you choose to engage them they are solely responsible for their acts or omissions.

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