Learn how to channel confidently for others

Advanced Channel Course

6 week program

10am – 12pm AWST (Perth) Live online

6 weeks course

Advance Spiritual Teaching for Healers & Lightworkers

After this 6-week course you will be able to channel confidently for other people and receive messages from spirit, and feel grounded and confident in that skill, if that’s what you want.

You will also gain invaluable practice, under the guidance of Lisa Brandis.

Spending time with heart centred light-workers who are dedicated to working with high integrity and further advancing their own skills and knowledge.

You’ll also discover your preferred way to channel, by direct experience in a safe and inspiring environment.

Working on a high vibration, you will be channelling love, big energy and spiritual wisdom.  Gain more ideas, knowledge and experience to further develop your own natural gifts.

Discover the joy of channeling powerful wisdom and your own guidance – always for you to gain instant access to.

If you’re ready, we’d love you to join us

Channeling is a natural form of communication between humans and spirit. Either the high-level guide, the channel, or both, working together in cooperation.

Pre-requisite – Completion of at Learn to Channel – Level 1


6th Sep – 11th Oct 2024

Facilitated by Lisa Brandis, Founder of Intuitive Reiki International

What you’ll experience

  • Increased confidence

  • Clearer thinking

  • Channel powerful, loving and healing energy

  • Change your life and become an inspiration to those seeking your services.

  • Release any doubts that you have

  • Gain positive manifesting abilities

  • Be your own guide

  • Communicate in a powerful way

  • Gain higher perspective on all aspects of your own life

  • Reduce the mental chatter or monkey mind.

  • Stronger psychic and healing abilities

  • Past life healing and activated healing on all levels

  • Experience deeper feelings of self-love and compassion

  • Experience Rapid spiritual growth

What’s also included:

  • Spiritual guidance by Anya on how to open to channel each week offering different techniques to allow you to expand your consciousness and develop a clearer channel for communication

  • Participate in a channelling practice session each week where you will give and receive messages from fellow students and be guided by Lisa & Anya on best practice techniques

  • Q&A open floor opportunity with Lisa and other students

  • Instruction and education on increasing your intuitive abilities and spiritual channelling

  • Networking and support from like-minded individuals that share the same passion as you do for channeling, energy healing and spiritual development

  • You’ll be held in a nurturing environment which will help you to cleanse and clear stuck energy

  • A Private Facebook Group facilitated by Lisa for questions outside of the weekly class

  • Ongoing support from peers in a safe environment

Contact us if you have questions or would like to learn more

Upcoming Dates: Friday 6th September - 11th October, 2024


Gayleen Richards

Wow-what an experience it’s taken a few days to actually comprehend what took place, but channeling was such a beautiful experience it just seemed so natural and I look back now how much I doubt myself and my capabilities. I felt so empowered to firstly be able to give such nurturing messages and also to hold space for the healings that took place I felt privileged to watch and be apart of.

Gayle Richards
Kathryn Turner testimonial

To anyone who would like to complete a guided channeling course, I can thoroughly recommend Lisa Brandis.  She is professional, calm, understanding, and is extremely knowledgeable in this area.  She offers support and guidance throughout the course and makes herself available for assistance at any time.  I have found her to be a beautiful, caring, well-natured person with a big heart and an even more beautiful soul.  10 out of 10!

Kathryn Turner

It was more of a journey than a course.  As you will learn yourself better through various experiences of new knowledge that will leave you with new capabilities.


The whole process of receiving your own guidance was a knowing of pure truth it was of high vibration.  The energy felt blended with soul source, it felt that we need to trust more of our own inner knowledge and not look for answers outside of ourselves, as we should follow our own guidance.  

Wendy Holdaway

The teaching you get with Lisa is always fresh and new. She teaches from the heart and no 2 courses are the same. It feels very natural and intimate. Lisa guides and encourages every group of participants in a way that’s new and fits perfectly.  I have achieved to strengthen my abilities beyond what I had anticipated and have loved both the course itself and the amazing and supportive group of beautiful people I got to share this experience with.

Andrea Dettinger

I would do this course, again and again, just to learn and be with like-minded people.  Lisa makes it a fun and enjoyable class you can go to class feeling low and the energy will be uplifted and you will feel so much better during and after the class.

10 out of 10!

Julie Hellwig

It was just a lovely joyful experience that required us to search deep within for the answers we asked of our guides, they let us know that they were listening. I felt very supported and connected to the other students throughout.

I have loved the advanced channel program.  Gaining much more confidence with such a special group of people has been a joy.

FREE guidance, learning and updates from Lisa delivered to your inbox once a month.