Receive ongoing support and education essential to developing your Intuition & Reiki Skills

Uplevel your life with everyday spirituality 

Welcome to Everyday Spirituality with Lisa Brandis.

I know that as a fledgling spiritual seeker, you need a safe community to explore basic spirituality, consciousness and psychic principles.

With nearly twenty years of experience as a spiritual teacher, mentor, Reiki Master and channel, I help you develop your innate spiritual abilities, grounded in a foundation of love, kindness and compassion.

Up-Level Your Life with Everyday Spirituality

Each month I’ll introduce you to my special guest speaker who will be sharing their wisdom and experience as well as giving you their top tips for creating more joy and happiness in your life.

Intuitive Reiki Lisa Brandis teaching Reiki Students (1)

Session Includes:

  • You’re feeling called to live a more spiritual life.
  • Perhaps you have fear of opening up to your spiritual side and you want a safe place to learn and explore.
  • You know that spiritual practices provide a pathway to mindfulness, inner peace and a more expansive and joyful life.
  • You want to open or deepen your connection with your higher self.
  • You want to make better business and life decisions.
  • You’d like the opportunity to ask questions in a safe and nurturing environment.
  • You’d like to develop your natural intuitive abilities or even your psychic gifts.
  • You want to discover your life purpose.
  • You want to make positive life changes.
  • Perhaps you doubt your spiritual abilities and you want to learn and gain confidence in a safe and nurturing environment.
  • You’re looking for a tribe of like-minded friends who support each other in a safe environment.
  • You’d love some practical tools that allow you to explore basic spiritual practices that you can use at home.

If that sounds like you, you’re in the right place!  Welcome to Everyday Spirituality with Lisa Brandis.

I know that as a fledgling spiritual seeker, you need a safe community to explore basic spirituality, consciousness and psychic principles.

With nearly twenty years of experience as a spiritual teacher, mentor, Reiki Master and channel, I help you develop your innate spiritual abilities, grounded in a foundation of love, kindness and compassion.

Intuitive Reiki has hosted the following Special Guest Presenters:

Membership Details

Taking your Reiki training to the next level!  

Intuitive Reiki Lisa Brandis teaching Reiki Students (1)

About Lisa Brandis

Reiki Master and teacher Lisa is highly sought-after for her practical spiritual teachings, transformative energy healings, and classes.

Lisa holds a vision to inspire, educate, and empower others to make a difference in the world using their intuition and the practice of Reiki. She focuses on teaching you how to develop and trust your intuition through Reiki so you can harness the power of Intuitive Reiki to heal and up-level your life.

Lisa has taught thousands of students and brings 20 years of dedicated experience with Reiki and intuition to support and create great connections in the community.

The intuition component of Lisa’s teaching makes learning intuitive Reiki so valuable – energy healing with strong guidance is so valuable.

A great tool in your business and life!

Intuitive Reiki Master, Spiritual Channel & Speaker.  Clinical Hypnotherapist and NLP practitioner

Frequently Asked Questions

No, we do not accept cash payments, but we do offer you a monthly payment system via Pay Pal which will deduct the fee from your nominated bank account monthly.

No – We do not charge an account set up fee or administration fee.

No, this is not a casual membership group. The energy and relationships require a commitment and depend on your regular attendance. As we are only meeting once a month our members find it easy to commit and change their outside arrangements to suit.

No, you are required to pay for the membership group even if you choose or are unable to attend a particular session.  All sessions are recorded and live-streamed into the private facebook group so that you can replay and never miss out on our valuable training.

Yes, we offer a discount for members who choose to pay in full for 6 months.  Normally $582 – Only $485 for six months.  Save $97.
This is non-refundable and payable prior to you attending your first membership group.

Your 6-month pay in full membership is non-refundable. If you are unsure that you will be able to attend, we suggest you join the monthly payment plan.

Yes, you can cancel your membership at any time, provided you give us a minimum of 1 weeks notice prior to the scheduled payment due date, in writing to

If you will be away for an extended period of time you can apply to have your membership put on hold, at the discretion of the director of Intuitive Reiki International.

No, unfortunately, we do not offer concessions, however, we do have a community Facebook page that offers you support at no charge, where you can meet with like-minded people and arrange for your own Reiki share experiences.

Yes, we welcome all lineages to our Reiki Membership, provided you have attained your Reiki 2 Certification, and email us a copy of your certification.

Yes, you are required to hold a Reiki 2 Certification (or above) to attend the Membership Group.


Attending membership group is always uplifting and inspiring. It is always wonderful to hear about other beautiful soul’s achievements and sharing my own!

Fiona Greenlaw
I can’t recommend IRI with Lisa enough. I’ve gotten to experience Reiki 1, 2 & now training to be a Reiki Master. The entire journey has been incredible.🌠
The connections I’ve made have been just amazing. It has been so great to meet such like-minded people to go on this journey with. Lisa’s support and guidance along the way have been so wonderful, Reiki Membership has been another great way to continue these friendships, learn about the wonderful world of energy, and connect together each month with some really powerful topics that Lisa & her guest speakers teach. 💕
Ciara McGeough
Jeanette Howes

This is my monthly fill of Inspiration! Thank you Lisa for your continuing love, support and ongoing training.

Jeanette Howes

It’s a wonderful group and nice to be around like-minded people.  Lisa creates a safe and loving space to both give and receive healing.  The fun part is you never know what the Reiki will reveal!

Charley Shaw

Being connected to such a beautiful group of people while learning and expanding in self, is such an amazing experience. Very grateful for this group.

Karen Littlewood

Great to connect with like-minded people and to share each other’s experiences.

Sara Revet

For years I have been fortunate to have been apart of this group that never fails to educate, share, and care in a relaxing, blissful, and pure space. Bound tight with eternal love and gratitude this safe and warm environment allows you soul to play. – Soul Food of the highest kind. Thank you for all the wonderful moments and opportunities!

Senior Reiki Master

Absolutely love being a part of this group.  The training is fantastic and I come away recharged and inspired every time.  Thank you to all who come along and make the magic happen.
You are amazing!

Melanie Fay

I love being a part of the membership group as it reminds me to practice and reminds me of how awesome and useful Reiki is. I love being with likeminded people from who I can learn, and I always feel like I can ask for advice when I need it. Everyone is so lovely!

Melanie Fay

Thank you members for making it so much fun to be in our space with you.  Thank you especially Lisa for creating a beautiful Centre for expression of Reiki and Love

Fay Watkins

I’m so glad I came last night, the atmosphere was great and everyone was so welcoming. It was great to meet new people and reconnect with old friends. Thank you to Christopher for the fabulous reiki session, and thank you to Lisa for bringing us all together.


FREE guidance, learning and updates from Lisa delivered to your inbox once a month.