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Reiki on the Beach

Congratulations to my newest Reiki II Channel, Amy Carmichael (Dr Amy) who was attuned to Reiki a few weeks ago on the pristine Cottesloe Beach.

After a series of events that lead us to changing the venue at the last minute, I found myself teaching Reiki to Amy in her apartment in Cottesloe.  Very hard to concentrate with the delightful Beach calling us – we both decided to give in to temptation and wander down to the beach to see what experience we would have when we added a bit of water – lots of sand – some sunshine – and open hearts and minds.

A few words come to mind when I think about that glorious couple of days spent with Amy.  Introducing her to the Reiki Symbols and their meanings, as well as diving deeper into the spiritual nature of Reiki, feeling and resonating with it’s vast and expansive energy.

Here’s the first words that come to mind for me when reflecting back upon that experience:

Exhilarating – Fun – Liberating – Expansive – Joyful – Radiant – Still – and full…. of so much love and laughter.

After all the learning Amy was offered the opportunity to practice her Reiki on me!!!  After a bit of me wriggling and giggling as I shift from teacher mode to being the student again, under her sweet and gentle guidance, my experience of Amy’s Reiki was transformative.

Beautiful Amy the knowledge that you have, combined with your infectious and joyful personality make for one powerful Reiki Channel… I look forward to supporting you on your spiritual journey in any way that I can.

Yep – I get paid to do this – Best job in the world!

I am always surprised and delighted by Reiki and it’s many experiences.  You can be too!

Much Love

Lisa xxx

Ready to learn Reiki?

With Intuitive Reiki Master Lisa Brandis

Reiki Training – All Levels

Intuitive Hypnotherapy & Reiki Centre – Reiki Workshops WA

0438 855 804

Lisa Brandis
Author: Lisa Brandis

Lisa Brandis is the Founder and Director of Intuitive Reiki International and is Australia’s first Intuitive Reiki Master and Teacher. She is highly sought after for her practical spiritual teachings and transformative energy healings. Lisa holds the vision to inspire, educate, and empower others to make a difference in the world using their intuition and the practice of Reiki.