I have used crystals in combination with my Intuitive Reiki Sessions at different times over the years, and had great results! When I’m working with crystals I like to have a selection for my clients to choose from.
Choosing crystals
I suggest that you start by choosing 10 crystals to start with. Then you can easily get to know the basic properties and benefits that working with them will give your clients. I like to get my clients to use their intuition to choose the crystal that they are most drawn to on that day.
Just add love!
A few years ago I was working in a beautiful shop that sold crystals and there was a very large, and totally beautiful, Rose Quartz that came into the centre. It looked just like the one in the image above. One of the customers tuned into the crystal and told me that she thought it would be hard to sell. I asked her why she felt that, and she told me that someone had programmed it not to sell. I felt that this was odd, and couldn’t imagine why that would be the case, however a similar message was given to me by another client a few weeks later, and so I decided to mention it to my boss at the time, Rayeleen.
It was a rather large crystal with a rather large price ticket. I thought that perhaps the negative programming might have been due to someone not being able to afford it, but I didn’t know for sure. It was just a feeling.
Rayeleen said to me that the crystal just needed to be loved. So she picked it up in her arms and held it like a baby. We both giggled. She gently placed it back on the table and sent the Reiki Master Symbol into the crystal. While we stood there admiring its beauty and filling it with love, right before our eyes, a large white line rippled through its center, going from the bottom right to the top of the crystal. We couldn’t believe what we had just seen and were both totally amazed!
The result? One week later I went to work and it was no longer in the centre, and had found it’s next home.
Do you use crystals in your Reiki Practice?
If you combine Intuitive Reiki with crystal healing, I’d love to hear more about your personal experiences.
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See you in there!!!
Lisa xxx
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