Reading Time: 2 mins
Congratulations to Michelle Edsall - Reiki Master.

Congratulations to Michelle Edsall (left) –           Reiki Master.

What a joy it was teaching our beautiful Michelle Edsall Reiki III, otherwise known as the Master Level.  Michelle is such a kind and compassionate woman who first learnt Reiki with me a few years ago.  Michelle embodies all that Reiki stands for.

I know that Michelle will be a wonderful teacher and many many peoples lives will be enriched when she begins to teach.  (Very soon, she tells me)!!!

Thank you for choosing me Michelle to take you on this divine and wonderful journey!  Teaching you was a wonderful, heart warming experience and one which I shall treasure.

As a part of her training Michelle will be assisting me with my next few workshops, so you will all be blessed with getting to know a woman whom I have grown very fond of.

Michelle – I look forward to seeing you shine as you take Reiki and share it with all whom are drawn to you, which I know will be many.

Reiki = Fun – Love – Bliss – Happiness and so much more!!!

With Love and Appreciation

Lisa xxx

Want to know what inspired Michelle to become a Reiki Master?

Inspired by Love, By Michelle Edsall

As soon as I did my first Reiki course, I knew I wanted to complete the Master Training.  Not for the prestige or reputation or even to teach.  It is a way of expanding my heart.. not my ego.  Reiki for me, is a gift of self love – I instantly became enchanted with the energy and being the space for love and healing across different levels of myself.

Is a gift a few years ago… I never thought possible.

By achieving my Reiki Master attunement, I hope to……..  READ MORE

Inspired by Love, photo taken by Michelle Edsall.

Inspired by Love, photo taken by Michelle Edsall.

Lisa Brandis
Author: Lisa Brandis

Lisa Brandis is the Founder and Director of Intuitive Reiki International and is Australia’s first Intuitive Reiki Master and Teacher. She is highly sought after for her practical spiritual teachings and transformative energy healings. Lisa holds the vision to inspire, educate, and empower others to make a difference in the world using their intuition and the practice of Reiki.