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My Top 5 Inspirational Tracks to Inspire Powerful Reiki

If you are looking for a way to really zone out, relax and increase your levels of peace, then this is the blog for you!

One of the most frequently asked questions that I receive is what music I play during my own Intuitive Reiki Sessions. So, as my little gift to you I have compiled my Top 5 Reiki Healing Music albums for you to explore and enjoy.One of the most frequently asked questions that I receive is what music I play during my own Intuitive Reiki Sessions. So, as my little gift to you I have compiled my Top 5 Reiki Healing Music albums for you to explore and enjoy.

If you have any Reiki music that you love, that are not on the list, please head over to our Facebook Page and share your favourite music with us too or you can let us know in the comment section below.

All of the music I have listed below helps my clients to relax, and open to the pure love and healing vibration of Intuitive Reiki.

Number 1: 432Hz Miracle Tone – Raise Positive Vibrations | Healing Frequency 432hz | Positive Energy Boost – It seems I’m not the only one who loves this music as it’s had over 21 million views since it was posted in October 2016.

One of the most frequently asked questions that I receive is what music I play during my own Intuitive Reiki Sessions. So, as my little gift to you I have compiled my Top 5 Reiki Healing Music albums for you to explore and enjoy.Number 2: Reiki Zen Meditation Music: 1 Hour Healing Music, Positive Motivating Energy.

Number 3: Happiness Frequency: 💚 Serotonin, Dopamine, Endorphin Release Music, Binaural Beats Relaxing Music.

Number 4: Merlin’s Magic : 1 HOUR Healing Meditation Music – REIKI HEALING – Relaxing Music –

Number 5: Zen Meditation Music, Reiki Music, Chakra, Relaxing Music, Music for Stress Relief, Zen –

Frequency Musician & Reiki Healing

I have to make special mention of the very gifted and talented Tenille Bentley who you may have met in our Intuitive Reiki Membership Group or at one of her popular sound healing events. Tenille is a unique globally recognised Frequency Musician who is combining both science and sound to deliver inner peace and wellbeing to her audiences. She uses the science of frequency through her instruments, vocal toning and technology.

A few months ago, we were lucky enough to host Tenille Bentley as a special guest presenter in our Intuitive Reiki Membership Group.

Tenille played a number of instruments and her sound frequency had us all drifting into such a place of deep healing. If you are interested in learning more about how sound healing can support your Reiki practice I highly recommend you visit her website.

Our beautiful Reiki Community = Friendship & Support

Our membership group has been supporting our Reiki practitioners and master’s now for over 10 years, acting as an advanced training program to keep you inspired and continually learning and growing on your path of Spiritual Awakening.

If you would like more information about becoming a member – or if you were a member in the past and would like to come back again, we would LOVE to welcome you. Not sure if you can attend in person?

Exciting News – Launching a brand new Online IRI Membership Group

We now have a new remote/online Membership option available, which allows you to be a part of all the learning from the comfort of your own home. Joining with our group who meet in person LIVE or if you can’t attend the live session online then you can watch the replay of the training session later.

We will be opening up our Remote Membership in January for a short time only.

Keep an eye out for the announcement or if you don’t want to miss out – send me an email now and I’ll add you to the waiting list.

Remote Membership – Enrolments opening soon

Yes Please – Add me to the waiting list – CLICK HERE

More information – Coming Soon!!!

As always at this time of year, I take the opportunity to sit back and reflect on what an amazing year it has been. This year has been full of many highs and many lows , all made so much easier to get through because of the love, grace and compassion of this incredible Intuitive Reiki Community.

Thank you so much for your ongoing support and love. I can’t wait to see you all again in the New Year.

Wishing you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

With love, light & gratitude

Lisa xxx

Lisa Brandis
Author: Lisa Brandis

Lisa Brandis is the Founder and Director of Intuitive Reiki International and is Australia’s first Intuitive Reiki Master and Teacher. She is highly sought after for her practical spiritual teachings and transformative energy healings. Lisa holds the vision to inspire, educate, and empower others to make a difference in the world using their intuition and the practice of Reiki.