Reading Time: 3 mins

What messages or guidance have your dreams been giving you lately?

I had a dream that I was having surgery on both my feet and in the dream I received an important message about my daughter. I often look to my dreams as a gateway to my intuition and gain great messages and guidance and guess what?

You can too!

Here are my top 5 tips for recalling your dreams.

  • Start a dream diary – It doesn’t have to be a fancy one, just an exercise book will do. Plan to recall your dream and you will start to see patterns as you interpret the messages you are getting through your guidance.

  • Get a good night’s sleep – Sleep is so important to your body and your soul.

  • Reduce stimulants – Limit coffee, alcohol, and flashing screens and bright lights prior to going to sleep.

  • Wind down before bed – Create a nice sleep time routine to help you to pave the way for a great night’s sleep. Take a bath, read a great book, give yourself Reiki. I highly recommend that you find a practice that nurtures you.

  • Set an intention – One that you will remember your dream when you wake up in the morning.

  • Be prepared – Have a book and pen by your bed so that you can make notes about your dream when you first wake up.

In this week’s live video below, I share with you how you can release fear and move into love by going within and accessing the power of Reiki and your intuition.

If you would like to learn more about understanding the messages in your dreams I highly recommend the book Conscious Dreaming by Robert Moss

“Conscious Dreaming shows you how to use your dreams to understand your past, shape your future, get in touch with your deepest desires, and be guided by your higher self. Author Robert Moss explains how to apply shamanic dreamwork techniques, most notably from Australian Aboriginal and Native American traditions, to the challenges of modern life and embark on dream journeys. Moss’s methods are easy, effective, and entertaining, animated by his skillful retelling of his own dreams and those of his students—and the dreams’ often dramatic insights and outcomes”. 1

    1.  Ref:


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Did you know that learning Intuitive Reiki online or in-person offers you a great opportunity to meet and connect with like-minded people who are interested in spirituality and in self-awareness? We have a number of events/workshops coming up that you might like to take part in – click on the link below to learn more.


Lisa Brandis is the Founder and Director of Intuitive Reiki International and is Australia’s first Intuitive Reiki Master and Teacher. She is highly sought after for her practical spiritual teachings and transformative energy healings.

Lisa holds the vision to inspire, educate and empower others to make a difference in the world using their intuition and the practice of Reiki. Read more…


Lisa Brandis
Author: Lisa Brandis

Lisa Brandis is the Founder and Director of Intuitive Reiki International and is Australia’s first Intuitive Reiki Master and Teacher. She is highly sought after for her practical spiritual teachings and transformative energy healings. Lisa holds the vision to inspire, educate, and empower others to make a difference in the world using their intuition and the practice of Reiki.