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Communicating Telepathically with your pets: Tips & Techniques

Dogs and Cats have lived as our companions for thousands of years, so of course we both have adapted together and learned how to communicate with each other. Since their domestication, they have evolved to speak our language more so as we are the more “dominant species”. But what if we could communicate with them in their language? We could find out how they’re feeling, communicate something with them to put them at ease or even find out that the behaviour that they’ve been displaying means something else entirely

Can our Dogs take on our Stress/Emotions?

Our Stress can Affect our Dog’s Physiology Now, there is Science to back this. In a study at the University of Naples Federici II in Italy by Dr Biagio several dogs were studied to inspect and react to human stress sweat samples.Yes, absolutely. I wanted to cover this as when working in kennels and dog day-care. I began to see this time and time again. We used to meet many dogs, all with different personalities. The longer I worked there I began to build a rapport with their owners as I was caring for their dogs all day or many weeks at a time.

You know the saying: dogs begin to look and act like their owners… well I believe this to be true, not so much the looks the part but the acting part, absolutely.

A lot of the time the anxious dogs had anxious owners. The calm dogs had laid-back owners and obviously, there were some in-between depending on the activity or the energy levels in there that day.

Our Stress can Affect our Dog’s Physiology

Now, there is Science to back this. In a study at the University of Naples Federici II in Italy by Dr Biagio several dogs were studied to inspect and react to human stress sweat samples.

These were taken from people who were in a state of stress at the time and sweat samples were taken from people who were calm, happy, and balanced. He had the most mind-blowing discovery that dogs could differentiate via the receptors in their nose and turn depending on the sample it changed their biochemical marker meaning the happy sample, in turn, put them into a happy state and the stressed sample put them into a stressed/anxious state.

Dogs and humans emotionally mirror each other and their emotional states can overall impact each other’s physiology. We all know our dogs like to sniff us when we arrive home, this is them picking up on information on;

Where have we been? Who we’ve been with? (Another dog, the incoming look of “I can’t believe you were with another dog without me”)

If we return home after a stressful day at work and our stress hormones are still sitting on our skin and clothes, guess what our dogs are going to pick up on and in turn take on themselves? Yep, our stress.

Our dog’s nose is his most powerful sense- dogs have over 300 million olfactory receptors in their nose and brain compared to our 6 million. This is how they use their nose to pick up many different forms of information at one time. Hence why sniffer dogs are so useful in the workforce.

So, when we think of performing an act of self-care, know that our Dogs are benefitting massively from this too.

Communicating with our Dogs

There are many Powerful ways to communicate with our Pets more deeply- The simplest but highly beneficial ways are through Behaviour and Calming Signals and Telepathic Communication.

Using Calming Signals

A Popular way to communicate with your Pet is through body language. Pay attention to their body language and non-verbal cues and try to understand what they are trying to communicate. When you understand their body language, you can start communicating with them without speaking.

Here are some examples of Calming Signals in Dogs to look out for:

1. Yawning: Dogs will yawn when they feel stressed, anxious, or uncomfortable. This behaviour is often seen in situations where the dog is unsure of what to do or is feeling overwhelmed. Dog owners can do this too”. Turid Rugaas – Norwegian Dog Trainer, Author, and calming signals expert has used these calming signals successfully for many years with some of the most reactive dogs.

2. Lip Licking: Lip licking is another sign of anxiety in dogs. It is usually seen when the dog is feeling stressed or uncertain.

3. Sniffing: Dogs will often sniff the ground or objects around them when they are feeling anxious. This behaviour is usually seen in situations where the dog is trying to distract itself from the stressful situation.

4. Turning away: Turning away from a situation can signify that the dog is feeling overwhelmed or uncomfortable. This behaviour is often seen in situations where the dog is feeling threatened or uncertain.

5. Sitting or rolling over: Sitting is a sign of submission and is often seen when the dog is feeling anxious or uncomfortable. This behaviour is usually seen when the dog is trying to avoid a confrontation or is unsure of what to do.

By understanding these five calming signals, dog owners can gain a better understanding of their canine companion’s feelings and intentions. By being aware of these behaviours, owners can take steps to help their dogs feel more relaxed and comfortable.

How to Psychically Communicate with your Pet

Wouldn’t you agree creating a strong bond with your pet is one of the greatest joys of being a pet owner? But what if you could take it even further and unlock the power of telepathic communication with your pet? Believe it or not, this is possible and I speak to my dog almost daily using this method!

One of the best ways to start communicating telepathically with your pet is through meditation. Meditating with your pet is an excellent way to connect with them deeper, as it allows you to tap into their thoughts and feelings. To start, sit in a comfortable position with your pet, close your eyes, and focus on your breathing. As you relax, allow your mind to open and be receptive to any messages or thoughts your pet may be sending you. You may even find that your pet is sending you a message in return!

Another way to strengthen your bond and be open to telepathic communication is to use visualisation techniques. Visualisation is a powerful tool that can help you connect with your pet on a deeper level. To start, sit with your pet and focus on a picture or image in your mind that you associate with them. As you focus on the image, allow your mind to be open to any messages your pet may send you. Ask them questions and wait for a feeling or response to show.

Messages that Come through

Often when working with Clients I’ve gotten a whole range of messages from their Pets. Some are that they don’t like a certain food change or that they get scared when left alone. 

There are many Powerful ways to communicate with our Pets more deeply- The simplest but highly beneficial ways are through Behaviour and Calming Signals and Telepathic Communication.

More recently I worked with a beautiful elderly Cocker Spaniel called Molly who is sadly in Palliative care. Her owner wanted some healing for Molly but to also check in and see if Molly understood what was happening and if she wanted anything from her. Sure enough, Molly wanted to tell her owner that she loved her dearly and she wanted to go out into the long grass out the back of their house for lots of sniffs before their daily walk. Her owner then told me that Molly is fully deaf and partially blind so her nose is one of her main ways of getting around and enjoying the world. Since Molly’s Session, her owner has said the following:

“Hi Ciara, Thank you so much, I cannot express how well molly is –

it is hard to believe how positive and happy she is, in fact, her cute

devilment is at an all-time high!”

Sometimes all we need is to connect to our Pets on a deeper level so they feel understood and heard.

Unlocking telepathic communication with your pet is a great way to strengthen your bond and deepen your connection. With a bit of practice and patience, you and your pet can start communicating on a whole new level!

By Ciara McGeough Get in touch with Ciara today. Click here to contact her today.

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Ciara McGeough
Author: Ciara McGeough

Meet Ciara, a professional with over 13 years of experience working with dogs and cats. Holding a diploma in Animal Science and Canine Behaviour, Ciara is a certified animal aromatherapist and an intuitive Reiki Master Practitioner. Driven by a desire to understand the deeper fears and emotions of dogs, Ciara trained in holistic and energy therapies to support their healing. She is the founder of Essence to Heal and is dedicated to helping pets feel their best. Contact Ciara today to learn more.