Uncomfortable silence: Why it’s okay to talk during your Reiki session
I was once told many years ago that Reiki was a silent practice and that talking during the session would be disrespectful. I could see the benefit of listening and holding space for my client to relax and go within, this is still an important aspect of all of my Intuitive Reiki sessions currently, however being told that I should be silent the entire session could also create uncomfortable silence below I explore why it’s okay to talk during your Reiki session.
When I first started practicing Reiki I was mostly focused on where I was putting my hands and how long they needed to stay in each position and enjoyed knowing that I didn’t need to talk to my client. In the early days, I would mostly find myself in a passive role of listening rather than talking and would enjoy the experience of giving a Reiki session in this way. I knew I was supported by the greater power of Reiki and so I felt that Reiki and I were in a symbiotic partnership working for and on behalf of my client.
After a few years, I started to notice that the energy of Reiki would naturally elevate my consciousness to a state of expanded peace, and from this place of deep spiritual connection, I started to become aware of my guides and the spirit world.
Reiki would relax and quieten my chatty mind and give way to a deeper place of peace within, the place where I could become the observer. My practice of Reiki soon became my obsession. I would give Reiki any time I could to anyone who offered the slightest interest in this hands-on healing practice. Mostly because I loved the feeling of spiritual transcendence that I would experience each and every time I gave someone Reiki and the bonus was that my client would too. Win-win.
I soon found a psychic medium that started to teach me how to connect to the spirit world in a closed development circle. We would connect via meditation and be taught many different techniques to converse with the spirit world. Reiki seemed the perfect place for my spiritual meditations. I would give Reiki – open the door to the spirit world and I could connect and hold great conversations with the spirit that would come through and visit with me.
Once I had found confidence in the messages that I would receive during a reiki session, I would ask my client if they were open to receiving my guidance. At first, it was exhilarating because I had found a way to practice psychic/spiritual mediumship and give my client reiki and the same time.
It was around this time in my Reiki journey that I was told by another Senior Reiki Master (not in my lineage) that the way I was practicing was forbidden and now I was no longer practicing Reiki. He told me that there are no angels and guides associated with Reiki and that Reiki should be done in silence.
Practicing Reiki the right way was very important to me and so I felt an inner conflict. My heart loved doing reiki and passing on guidance. Sensing and conversing with the spirit world was so much fun for me, I just couldn’t close down that side of me while I was doing Reiki, so I soon felt an internal conflict emerge.
Finding Support
It didn’t take long before life introduced me to someone who I felt comfortable enough to share my dilemma with. She was very open to receiving messages and actually told me that it would be like getting two sessions in one. She was very excited by the way that I could do reiki and felt that there would be others who would be open to this too. She was right! I felt like I had finally been given permission to integrate the way I practiced Reiki and I called my kind of Reiki – Intuitive Reiki.
Reiki and courage – it’s easier than you think.
Did it take courage to say publicly that I do Intuitive Reiki sessions?
Yes, it did. However, when you follow that gentle nudge that comes from within, you know what it is – a calling that is persistent, and never quite goes away. In my personal experience, my guidance has never led me astray. I came out of the spiritual closet and announced on Facebook that I was available for ‘Intuitive Reiki sessions and gave a short description of what that would entail and I experienced a rush of bookings.
I was surprised by the instant connection that others, just like me, felt. They came for 1:1 sessions and then my workshops started to book out well in advance and we all had a blast together, learning, growing, sharing, and making a difference – together. When I reflect back on this time now, I realise this was the beginning of a movement.
“If our work is stimulating and rewarding, if it pushes us to grow…we
become more valuable human beings!”
Jane Fonda
What is a spiritual movement?
According to Forbes “social movements activate the possibility of everyone being a change-maker – where all citizens feel their power to make a positive difference in the world”. This is what happens when you feel less alone and are encouraged by the people around you to continue in that direction even if you feel you are going against the mainstream or popular practice of the time. A movement of change soon follows and there becomes comfort in knowing others are excited by the same practicing principles that you are. We all learn and grow together. This is what it feels like to be in a supportive unified community.
Reiki people are my kind of people. Share on X
Finding your Tribe
Reiki people are my kind of people. I love the knowledge that those who are in resonance with me will naturally find me and those who are not won’t and that’s exactly how it’s supposed to be. The world is made up of billions of people who are all unique in their own personal expressions. When we speak from our heart with courage, what I’ve discovered is that we allow others to do so too by our example. So how can you start to share your voice a little more?
Attending an Intuitive Reiki workshop connects you with like-minded people who become your heart’s friendships where you can explore all the magic and mysteries of your spiritual life.
Find your authentic voice in a safe and supported way.
At Intuitive Reiki International we teach you how to find your voice, trust it, and then share it in a way that inspires and encourages others to shine their light and make a difference in the world, in the way that only they can.
Why we need Reiki now more than ever
If you have already studied reiki or are thinking about it then your timing is perfect. We as a community are so in need of the touch benefits of reiki now more than ever.
My top 3 reasons why we need Reiki now more than ever.
1. We are craving human touch. With my husband recently having covid the incidental touch was the thing we missed the most! I know he loved me waiting on him, however, what I missed the most was our physical connection. Reiki helps us to feel loved, and nurtured, and with the power of touch and the energy of Reiki, it works to not only speed up the healing process but allows us to feel loved and nurtured when we need it the most.
2. Reiki is now being used in hospitals around the world. Reiki is even being used in the operating theatre. Did you know that more than 900 hospitals are already offering it in Australia, the USA, UK, Ireland, Brazil, and Mexico. Reiki is no longer considered ‘woo woo’, it’s mainstream. So if you have ever thought about becoming a Reiki practitioner you are in great company.
3. Reiki can be used to assist with the treatment of many conditions, including:
- Heart disease
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Chronic pain
- Cancer
- heart disease
- Anxiety
- Depression
- chronic pain
- Infertility
- neurodegenerative disorders
- Autism
- Crohn’s disease
- fatigue
It is important to note that Reiki should never take the place of medical treatments.
If this sounds like the kind of Reiki that you want to learn, you’re not alone!
Join the Intuitive Reiki movement and become an Intuitive Reiki Master Practitioner yourself. Also suitable for curious people wanting to explore spirituality in a safe way for their own personal development.
We have workshops that run both live online and in person and receive the support of like-minded people to encourage and uplift you and you may just find that you are the person someone else needed in their life too.
I’d love to hear if this article resonated with you, drop me a line or leave a comment. Or sign up to receive our newsletter for more inspiration delivered to your inbox monthly.
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Upcoming events
Did you know that learning Intuitive Reiki online or in-person offers you a great opportunity to meet and connect with like-minded people who are interested in spirituality and in self-awareness? We have a number of events/workshops coming up that you might like to take part in.
Lisa Brandis is the Founder and Director of Intuitive Reiki International and is Australia’s first Intuitive Reiki Master and Teacher. She is highly sought after for her practical spiritual teachings and transformative energy healings.
Lisa holds the vision to inspire, educate and empower others to make a difference in the world using their intuition and the practice of Reiki. Read more…
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