How to supercharge your life with Intuitive Reiki
I’d like to take you on a spiritual journey where you can bring into your focus and your daily experience the power of Reiki and how you call this powerful, life-changing energy into action to bring you more alignment into your life.
Here are my top seven tips:
1. Reiki and Creativity.
Reiki unlocks your creative energy. When I need to write or to speak I tune into the highest vibration and surrender to the energy of Reiki. Reiki then effortlessly flows through me and allows me to open up to resources, knowledge, and inner wisdom that from my own perception is beyond anything that I can create with my mind alone. When I work through the grace of Reiki I am choosing to align my thoughts to the power of love. Then that love brings creative energy into my life.
2. Reiki and Kindness.
Reiki as a spiritual essence intends for us to flourish and to grow to be happy and fulfilled. Not just some of us but everyone. When we choose kindness, not only do we benefit but so do others. It’s a choice that we make that activates the power of intention in your life and will bring many blessings to you. Reiki is loving, and kind and so are you.
3. Reiki is love.
Love is life-giving. It encourages, supports, and enhances all of life. It operates from an energy of expansion and includes all. This is the highest emotion one can feel when we attune to Reiki we are swept up in the most loving embrace of all that is. Love is the supreme power that guides our actions and inspires our universal spirit of intention. Reiki teaches us that we are either in alignment with love or out of it. In my awareness, there is only one answer to any question you will ever ask and it’s love. Love wishes us to flourish and grow and become all that we are capable of becoming. When your thoughts are aligned to the power of love you are granted access to a very powerful force of creativity. When we are not in alignment with the energy of love our creative power becomes fragmented as does our ability to activate our intention to receive love, be love, and give love.
4. When we see life through Reiki we experience it’s the truest beauty.
Beautiful thoughts build a beautiful soul. Nature has a way of reminding us instantly that beauty exists all around us. Spectacular sunrise and a glorious sunset, stunning beauty painted across the canvas of our planet. We were all created by this same essence we too are beautiful. It is only our thoughts that tell us otherwise, and the most beautiful souls are the ones that love, adore, and appreciate themselves and their bodies.
5. Reiki encourages natural expansion.
Spirit and Reiki is a forming power. It is always wanting to expand and experience itself. When we are in alignment with this powerful creative force, we feel expansive. When we are denying its expression in our life we feel the contraction. It can be a powerful tool when choosing which path or direction to take in your life. When we feel expansive we feel the energy of flow move with us. Feeling into what would bring you the most joy and love, is often the direction of your highest calling and most profound joy.
6. Reiki & Abundance.
Source has no beginning and no end, it is omnipresent meaning it is a constantly expanding energy field of pure intention and infinite possibility. We can manifest and attract into our life anything that we desire because spirit has no limits and if we are spirit, which we are, then that means that we are unlimited too.
7. Getting into the receiving mode with Reiki.
All of nature is called into this vibration of love and there is nothing that is not included. This is the meaning of receptivity. It doesn’t judge or exclude anyone and allows all to be present. We only need to be willing to accept it. Intention can’t respond if you fail to recognise it. Your job is not to say how it’s to say yes!!! Yes, I am willing. The field of intention allows everything to manifest into form.
How to implement the ideas above
1. Connect to Reiki and begin by using creative visualisation. Imagine images that represent these words: fun, kindness, creative, loving, beautiful, abundant open and receptive, love and joy.
2. Be Reflective – Practice non-judgemental thinking and reflect on life from the basis of your Reiki awareness.
3. Expect Beauty – Expect kindness and love in your life along with beauty to be in your life by deeply loving yourself, your surroundings, and by showing reverence for all of life. Let true beauty become your focus.
4. Meditate on appreciation – Cherish the energy that you share with all living beings. The power of Reiki and your intention responds to your appreciation of it. As you appreciate your life force as a representation of the power of your intention, a wave of knowing and energy will surge through your body. There is a wise inner being that will respond to your meditation and when you have relaxed and surrendered to the power of the moment you will soon find divine inspiration flow guiding you in the next best step in life that will lead to your own happiness and peace.
5. Release doubt – When doubt is released, abundance flows and you enter into a vibration of infinite possibility.
Learning Intuitive Reiki can help you to make a quantum leap and awaken to your heart’s calling. Click here for more information
Or if you would like to learn how to channel click here and see all our workshops on intuition and channeling that will support your spiritual awakening.
Have you got other Reiki tips that you use?
I’d love to hear about them – share your experience in the comments below!
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