I had a feeling when we embarked upon this new year that 2020 was going to be an epic year, but a pandemic was not what I was anticipating. What a whirlwind it’s been!
Setting Powerful Intentions
I set my intentions as I usually do in the new year and starting to make great progress on my goals to increase my reach, continue to inspire and mainstream Intuitive Reiki and then the pandemic arrived and everything changed at a very rapid rate. We all moved into the unknown and had to learn how to adapt to the changes that we all faced on a personal level as well as working out what this all mean for the business too and of course my students Reiki Practices.
I chose initially to pull back from social media as it was all a little too overwhelming. I then found myself managing a personal health crisis as well as having to decide how I was going to pivot my business and continue to serve my students to the best of my ability, while still maintaining my own mental health and well being. Was it easy – OMG no, was I capable of way more than I thought I was – totally, we all are!
As I write this now I feel like I have found a new balance. The more I worked in the online space, the more I learned and became comfortable and my confidence grew. I found I was also enjoying working from home, spending more time with my family, and also navigating change as we all were.
When I stopped resisting things flowed with more ease and I naturally moved out of fear and into love and I found peace in the present moment and joy in the simplicity of just being. I did move in and out of fear quite often and from speaking with my students we were all in the same boat, paddling downstream but feeling the bumps of uncertainty.
Taking things online:
I’m not sure why but I never really considered the possibility of teaching Intuitive Reiki online, probably because I love in-room training so much. Teaching in our online virtual classroom was inspiring, really fun and a powerful way to connect with my students teach Intuitive Reiki and I was guided by Anya and the rest of my spirit team every step of the way. I have a feeling this is just the beginning!!! When the opportunity came my way, I said Yes, and here are the achievements and progress we made:
Pivoting the business, finding new and exciting opportunities for the future of Reiki:
- Free Meditation – Sunday 5th April 2020 – We offered a Free Meditation & Distant Healing Session with Julie Teshome one of our beautiful Reiki Masters.
- Membership Group – Tuesday 7th April – We held our first Zoom Intuitive Reiki Membership Group – had a great turn out with most students attending the live online event and really enjoying the evening and the distant healing at the end of the night.
- Learn to Channel – Learn to Channel Course had to pivot from in-person training to online virtual training and did so with a few hiccups but all students still found they were able to learn how to channel and enjoyed the ability to connect remotely. And yes – the energy was in my experience amplified as we were all connecting from the comfort and safety of our own homes.
- Time off – Easter came gifting me with a nice little break to spend some much-needed downtime with my beautiful family.
- Discover Reiki – Held my Discover Reiki Intro Evening – Again an event where students had booked into the (in room) experience and then had to make the choice to join us online or to wait. This was then held in my virtual training room and was a great success. Securing my first ever online bookings into the Reiki I Workshop in May.
- Reiki II Workshop – April arrived. Thank you to Fiona and Rachel Western, who worked with me and spirit to plan out how we could attune students virtually. We met, practiced meditating online, attuning each other, and then came the work for me to re-write my entire course for an online platform. The course went ahead and was a huge relief as the students all felt the energy and enjoyed the attunement experience and the training all converted well to this new forum.
- Mind – Body – Spirit Summit – World Wide Event – Chakra Angel Summit – I was invited to be a Speaker on a global online Summit with Chakra Angel and had a few hiccups thanks to Zoom introducing new passwords so people had trouble logging into the talk as well as the platform going through a major update right during the weekend of the summit.
- Reiki I Goes Online – Planning was then underway for the upcoming Reiki I Workshop – on the 2nd & 3rd May. I had to again re-write the entire workshop taking me days to do so. Everything had to be reviewed and updated. I also had to film a Reiki Demonstration with my two girls (as we were only allowed to be in close proximity to our family members during this time). So Georgia was my model and Hannah my camera girl. Filmed the demo and then edited it myself. Ready for the training. The workshop was a huge success. I am so grateful for those who took the leap of faith with me. The Reiki Masters that could attend did and all others shared their love, encouragement, and support and messaged me during the day to see how it was all going.
- Financial Planning – I negotiated with my landlord for some rent relief and applied for financial support from the Government.
- Mothers Day came and went and I had a beautiful day with my girls and a quick visit with my mum while still maintaining social distancing.
- Reiki Masters online – Then came the third and in my mind my biggest challenge – to teach my beautiful Reiki Masters in an online virtual room. Again the whole run sheet needed to be re-worked.
Videos produced to demo how to do Reiki Attunements online and of course the training needed to be delivered to the high standard that I set for myself. This workshop came and went and was again a huge success. These Masters have been attuned online and will be training in how to do both online and in-room attunements as well as now embarking on the most incredible spiritual journey. - Advanced Channel Training – Next was my first ever Advanced Channel Course in June, which was fully booked and ran for 12 beautiful weeks!
On reflection I can absolutely say with full confidence that I shined my light, showed courage, and resilience. Was it easy? No way! But totally worth it.
While I am proud of my own personal achievements I didn’t do it alone, and I want to finish this article with a word of thanks to some very special people.
Together We Rise – Love, Connection & Community
Thank you to all the beautiful souls that held my hand through the fear when it hit and it all felt too much. That job fell mostly to my incredible husband Gerald. When I pushed myself too hard and exhaustion both physically and emotionally, and he arrived there to wipe away my tears – picking up the pieces and support me wholeheartedly. There were many conversations with my mum and dad that also made a bit difference, while it was hard not seeing them physically we certainly maintained our close connection with lots of phone calls.
Thank you to my Reiki Masters Fiona Greenlaw and Rachel Western, who brought their joy and wisdom to the table with ideas and inspiration and gave of their time freely as I talked through ideas, came up with a solid strategy to maintain my high standard of teaching and how to best deliver the workshops online. Thanks, Fiona for the many Intuitive Reiki sessions that you gave me personally. Reiki is amazing!
Thank you to all of my Spiritual Mentoring Clients, Reiki Masters both past and present, and to the Reiki students who trusted in me, without you all I wouldn’t get to do a job that I absolutely love with all of my heart.
My two girls Georgia & Hannah who have been helping me out more at home knowing that life was in chaos and by offering me hours of joy – totally loving homeschooling, took me a little longer to get Hannah back to school.
Thank you to my beautiful PA Leigh Willcocks who has been a great support too, while working remotely, adapting to all this change all the while she was in training.
Special mention also to Rebecca Pizzi from Silver Lining Business Solutions for her support during this time, both professionally helping me to track the finances of the business but also helping me on a personal level too. We’ve been working together for a few years now and she is a truly beautiful and talented woman. Thanks also to my accountant Marg Flowers – Director of Flowers Eddy CPA. Helping me with way more than the finances too.
Wendy Robinson from Spirt Graphics helped me to get all my workbooks into an electronic version and did so at short notice as well as under pressure and supported me when needed when I felt overwhelmed with the amount of work involved in pivoting this business and in a short time too.
My spirit team provided me with energy, wisdom, and inspiration.
Thank you to Zoe Parry my psychologist who has helped me to learn how to bring more balance back into my life. Lisa Webber my Clinical Hypnotherapist Supervisor and valued colleague for helping me to see things from a fresh and new perspective.
To all my teachers past and present, thank you, you all know who you are and I am blessed to have been loved by so many beautiful souls.
My sisterhood of Fempire angels – who are an amazing group of totally inspiring business leaders! In particular, Marnie LeFevre, Kate De Jong & Athena Daniels and Keryn Rose for their love, support, and continual encouragement.
Power of Love & Reiki
I have to say it’s quite a list I have above of achievements and it’s bringing me a really great sense of pride to write them all out on one big long list.
This is the power of love and Reiki. When we believe we can achieve, the universe conspires to support us in so many ways.
I hope that this has inspired you and I know that this has been one wild ride. Yes, it was difficult and yes it was also full of opportunity and so many blessings too.
In every situation there’s a silver lining, right?
What blessings or achievements are you celebrating? Or if it’s been difficult for you who have you leaned on for support?
Let us know in the comments below! xox
To read some of our online testimonials – Click on the workshop below and scroll down.
Reiki II Workshop
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