Reading Time: 9 mins

Just for Today, Be Grateful

Gratitude:  Is the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. ‘She expressed her gratitude to the committee for their support’. [1]

At the very heart of the Reiki system of healing, there are five guiding principles that you can introduce into your daily life. Mikao Usui, Reiki Founder, taught that when you make the decision to practise Reiki and to live by these principles, you are better able to live in balance, find alignment and happiness.

The principles are:

Just for today…

I will not worry

I will not anger

I will be grateful

I will do my work honestly

I will be kind to every living thing

Did you know that gratitude is the antidote to worry and anger? Just take a moment now while you are reading this article to focus on something or someone that you are grateful for. When you do so it automatically uplifts you and takes you into a pure positive vibration of appreciation.  The founder of Reiki Mikao Usui believed that worry and anger contributed to illness in a person’s mind and body and he discovered that practicing gratitude on a daily basis helps us to bring peace and ease back into our mind and body.

“Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues but the parent of all others”

Tip 1 – Create a Ritual

I recommend that you purchase a gratitude diary and make it a daily practice to write a few things that you are grateful for each day.  If you do this as one of your morning rituals, you will start your day on a positive frequency.  When you are moving through your day with appreciation your energy will create an attractor field and you will discover more things to appreciate throughout your day.

How can I increase my gratitude? 

Gratitude can come in so many ways.  Yesterday I was filled with appreciation for a stranger who saw myself and my daughter about to carry a heavy box upstairs.  He saw us and asked if we needed any help.  At first, I said declined his thoughtful offer, however, Georgia said to me – we could use some help mum.  She was right.  I smiled at this lovely man and asked him for help and he came right over grabbed the heavy side of the box and we both carried it up the stairs and into my healing room.  This simple act of kindness and people helping each other is a gentle reminder of these reiki principles in action. I was filled with gratitude which left a lasting impression on me, so much so I’m still thinking about it today.  Not only was I grateful for the assistance, I felt his simple act of kindness and it really made my day.  I was also supported by another stranger too, let me explain.

Asking for help can increase gratitude!

Gratitude for the big and small ways we all uplift and inspire each other through ReikiWhen we got the box upstairs and opened it we realised it was a way bigger job than we first thought. According to the instructions, it was a 45-minute job!  Hmmm – it took a little over 2 hours.  I didn’t have the tools needed and so I thought I would see if the restaurant Panchos downstairs would have a screwdriver that I could borrow.  I was helped by three staff members who were all so lovely and accomodating, before long I was on my way back upstairs with the screwdriver.  Only to discover I needed another one.  I was really reluctant to go back down and ask again, but Georgia is very determined and she wanted to prove that we could get this desk put together without the help of my husband, so off I went again to ask.  The owner helped me this time, gave me the right one, and off I went back upstairs to build a desk.

We did it and my hubby Gerald came to check out our handy work and offer some assistance with the final touches.  We put the desk together and while I was drifting off to sleep last night I was reminded of all the beautiful souls who had offered me assistance during the day.

Tip 2 – Shifting your focus will increase feelings of gratitude

When you practice gratitude on a daily basis, especially during times of stress and difficulties, and choose to focus your mind on all the people, places, and things that make your life brighter, or that bring you joy, your life starts to change for the better. You begin to vibrate at a higher frequency, which allows you to experience and exude more positivity in your life.

When I focus daily on gratitude and make time to give thanks for all the positive aspects of my own life, I find that the worry and anger naturally dissipate.  These five principles are a suggested guideline for all Reiki practitioners to live by on a daily basis and doing so allows us to fully embody the Reiki energy.

Tip 3 – Be active in our Intuitive Reiki Community and share the Reiki love

One of my Reiki Masters posted a request for healing yesterday in my Reiki community group.  Her son was having brain surgery and she was asking her tribe for all the love and healing energy that she could to help her to get through her day.

The Reiki principles can be used with the simple and mundane tasks in life like my putting the desk together and also for the terrifying moments in life, like the worry and anxiety that she must have felt waiting for her son to come out of his surgery.

The one thing that I know for sure is that the love and healing that was shared by all our beautiful Reiki healers gave my Reiki Master so many positive messages to read throughout the day and the love and kindness that was expressed filled my heart with such gratitude last night for all of the collective ways we help each other.

Thank you for being a part of my life, for the reiki you share with each other, and for the difference you make in the world with your Reiki.  You leave a legacy of light when you open your heart and share Reiki with someone in need and you also allow us the gift of loving you when you ask for Reiki when you need it too.

I hope this article has shown you just how easy it is to focus on gratitude and the ripple effect that doing so can have in your life.  Positive changes in your mind, affect positive changes in your body and from a spiritual perspective, you make the world a better place to live in.

Thank you!

May you find many many blessings big and small to brighten your day today.

Did you like this article or do you have any of your own tips for increasing gratitude?  Tell us about it in the comments.

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About Lisa Brandis

Lisa Brandis is the Founder and Director of Intuitive Reiki International and is Australia’s first Intuitive Reiki Master and Teacher. She is highly sought after for her practical spiritual teachings and transformative energy healings.

Lisa holds the vision to inspire, educate and empower others to make a difference in the world using their intuition and the practice of Reiki. Read more…


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Lisa Brandis
Author: Lisa Brandis

Lisa Brandis is the Founder and Director of Intuitive Reiki International and is Australia’s first Intuitive Reiki Master and Teacher. She is highly sought after for her practical spiritual teachings and transformative energy healings. Lisa holds the vision to inspire, educate, and empower others to make a difference in the world using their intuition and the practice of Reiki.