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I’m sitting in my office on this most beautiful day preparing to teach one of my Reiki Students Reiki Level III (Master).  I am filled with excitement as I contemplate the days that will follow.  Michelle Edsall whom many of you know as Chelf Ed on Facebook is about to embark on this joyful journey.  I still remember the excitement I felt on the morning of my own Master training.  I remember vividly seeing the Reiki Symbols coming into my energy field and the feeling of the immense love that came with the master attunement, not to mention the life long journey of self-mastery that has and will always follow.

I asked my student Michelle to share with me her reasons for wanting to learn Reiki and her response filled my heart with such joy, warmth, and pride that I just had to share her words with you all:

Inspired by Love, By Michelle Edsall

“As soon as I did my first Reiki course, I knew I wanted to complete the Master Training.  Not for the prestige or reputation or even to teach.  It is a way of expanding my heart.. not my ego.  Reiki for me is a gift of self-love – I instantly became enchanted with the energy and being the space for love and healing across different levels of myself.

Is a gift a few years ago… I never thought it possible.

By achieving my Reiki Master attunement, I hope to acquire a stronger sense of confidence and trust within myself, to simply, live in love.  I completely trust in the universe and know that it will deliver to me.. what I need right at the time.  I know you asked me to set intentions, but to be honest ~ my intention is simple.  To be love.  Reiki is a modality that will remind me to live and breathe this energy and to envelop every cell that makes me so precious”.  Chelle.

Inspired by Love, photo taken by Michelle Edsall.

Inspired by Love, photo taken by Michelle Edsall.

Lisa Brandis
Author: Lisa Brandis

Lisa Brandis is the Founder and Director of Intuitive Reiki International and is Australia’s first Intuitive Reiki Master and Teacher. She is highly sought after for her practical spiritual teachings and transformative energy healings. Lisa holds the vision to inspire, educate, and empower others to make a difference in the world using their intuition and the practice of Reiki.