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How to successfully market your Reiki practice and find your ideal client without having to have those awkward ‘sales conversations’ that make us all feel yucky.

I recently received the question below from one of our Intuitive Reiki students and after giving her some tips and ideas about how to successfully market her reiki practice, I thought that you would want to know too!

Q – Can people really make a living performing reiki?

I’ve hired a space, have done a few sessions, have posters up and brochures in places with good foot traffic. There’s been interest and people taking my brochures but it’s a little slow to translate into bookings. Can people really make a living performing reiki? Do you have any tips on how to get more clients?
I’m thinking of offering a ‘win a free’ session competition to build an email list to be able to connect with and follow up with those who are interested as another idea”.

A – Should I offer a 1-hour reiki session for free?

Offering a ‘win a free session’ can be a good way to build an email list and market your Reiki business and gain phone numbers to connect with people, although in my experience people will sign up for the ‘freebie’ and then unsubscribe shortly after the competition has been announced. There is also the risk that this may attract clients that are unable to pay.

Why not offer a 30-minute mini Reiki session instead? This takes less time and resources and gives you the opportunity to let curious people receive Reiki. They will have your undivided attention to answer any questions that they have about Reiki, and it’s a great opportunity for you to tell them all the benefits of receiving Reiki regularly.

Make sure you focus on the problems that they are experiencing. Listen to them to discover their pain points and formulate a plan to assist them, without being tempted to promise to heal. We can only offer to support their body’s ability to heal with Reiki, and they will heal themselves under your nurturing care.

If you are unable to help them or you feel they are better suited to another practitioner, please make sure you refer them and only work in your area of expertise.

Connect with your past clients to market your Reiki practice

Make it a regular task to pick up the phone and call your past clients, say “hi” and ask how they are. After a chat, you can offer them a special once-off price, a buy-one-get-one-free offer, or introduce them to your new package and/or pricing.

Most people love receiving Reiki regularly, but we don’t make booking a session a priority. If you do the work for them, call them to connect with the intention of seeing if you can be of assistance to them. The bookings will take care of themselves. If they say they are not ready now, that’s fine and you can say ‘that’s ok, you know where I am if anything changes or if you feel you could benefit from a Reiki session.’ Keep in mind that even if they say no – they could still refer a friend or family member to you.

Competition or cooperation – which is more important?

If you have other Reiki practitioners working from the same centre, choosing cooperation will be more advantageous for you, your colleague/s, and your client. Attitude plays a big part in successfully working with other professionals. It can be very helpful to have a fellow therapist who understands the challenges of working as a Reiki practitioner. Often clients will choose to work with multiple practitioners and will always get what they need when they need it. Be friendly and help them and once have a great experience with you, they are more likely to refer you to others. If their circumstances (or your own) change they can still come back.

How much to charge your clients?

I suggest you look to existing practitioners in the centre and charge according to your worth, value, and market value for your service. Don’t lower your prices to undercut your colleagues as they won’t appreciate it and your customers will most likely think of your service as sub-standard. Price your session at a rate that makes you a little uncomfortable but is still reasonable. Nothing will deter a client more than when you quote your price and then apologise with your energy.

Your customer is worth it and so are you!

They deserve to be loved and nurtured by Reiki. We spend hundreds of dollars on servicing our cars without a second thought to the charge, so why not gently give them permission to invest in their own health and wellbeing?

Write your own blog – it’s a great way to market your Reiki practice

It is always advisable that you start your own database and communicate with your customers regularly. Sending out an email using the main centre’s blog can drive additional traffic to your practice. The bigger their list, the more likely you are to pay for the owner to promote you. It can take years to build a database, along with countless hours to maintain and keep people interested. You may have to pay for this service.

Be sure that all the communication you submit to the practice manager, or owner and ensure it is of the highest standard. Write from your heart and make sure you spell check your work. If you struggle with spelling and grammar, consider outsourcing the editing. I’m terrible at grammar and put commas in the wrong places. For years my hubby was given the much-loved task of proofreading my blogs and articles. Now I have a Virtual Assistant who does this for me.

Email your regular clients on a regular basis

It’s important to begin collecting the email addresses of those interested in Reiki right away. Collect them from your clients by having them fill in their email addresses on your Client Information Form and collect them from all the promotions and events you’re involved with.

To learn more about the importance of email for marketing check out Guerrilla Marketing website at and read their article on email and marketing

If you have a business, then you are also in the business of selling.

Remember you’re not selling yourself; you’re selling the benefit of a Reiki session and how it can benefit your clients with their problems. I had a few Reiki Masters working out of my own centre on a percentage basis agreement. They only worked when a client was booked in and paid Intuitive Reiki a percentage of every session. This was a great opportunity because they had NO risk at all. They didn’t put much effort into selling and marketing as they had other jobs. This meant they weren’t motivated to talk about Reiki, which would have helped with establishing a connection with clients. Over time the sessions fell away.

If you would like to learn more about this topic you can join our Intuitive Reiki Membership Group. Here you will learn from other Masters and Practitioners, and receive their top tips to make the transition from a home-based business to commercial premises. Of course, there is also the added benefit of the support and opportunities that come from being a part of a community of Reiki practitioners.

Sending so much love, light, and happiness your way,

Lisa xoxo

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Lisa Brandis is the Founder and Director of Intuitive Reiki International and is Australia’s first Intuitive Reiki Master and Teacher. She is highly sought after for her practical spiritual teachings and transformative energy healings.

Lisa holds the vision to inspire, educate and empower others to make a difference in the world using their intuition and the practice of Reiki. Read more…


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Lisa Brandis
Author: Lisa Brandis

Lisa Brandis is the Founder and Director of Intuitive Reiki International and is Australia’s first Intuitive Reiki Master and Teacher. She is highly sought after for her practical spiritual teachings and transformative energy healings. Lisa holds the vision to inspire, educate, and empower others to make a difference in the world using their intuition and the practice of Reiki.